34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

October 4, 2023

3 PM River Patrol fishing report: plenty of nice Chinook ("Kings") and Cohos have been seen leaving the run with weary but satisfied guests - estuary section is currently reporting very few guests, no hookups, little sign of any fish activity - just upriver, guests are reporting "good" action (hooking up steadily) on Kings, with large groups of Kings holding up in specific pools - the middle section is very active this afternoon, with guest action ranging from "good" to "excellent!" (can't keep the fish off the hook), with Kings and Cohos both pushing upriver as well as holding in pools - in this section there were also three Steelhead and two Brown Trout brought to hand - as we enter into the lower half of the upper section, guest action slowed down just a bit, then picked up to "good" at the top part of this section, with Kings and Cohos again both pushing up and holding in pools, with a Brown Trout and an Atlantic Salmon appearing in the mix - the uppermost section was described as "slow" guest action, on Kings and Cohos, with another Brown Trout and a solitary Steelhead showing up in the mix, with fish holding in place


82° / Clear

Sunrise: 7:05am

Sunset: 6:41pm

436 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

