34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

September 14, 2023

9 AM River Patrol fishing report: CFS at the dam 350, CFS at the Pineville gauge 482, opening air temperature 59 degrees, water temperature 63 degrees, mostly cloudy skies that are gradually clearing up to sunshine later, dead calm, no forecasted precipitation for the AM - the estuary section reported fish ("Kings") moving at first light up into the run, however guest action was reported as "quiet" (no action) there - the lower section reported slow (some hookups) to moderate (hooking up, could be better) guest activity with Kings - as we begin to move into the upper section, fishing activity picked up a bit, probably due to fish that had moved in overnight and made it up there by first light - the predominate fish were Kings, with a solitary Steelhead in the mix - all sections of the run also reported fish moving through, with just a few seeming to hold in specific areas - featured today are Dennis (Texas shirt and sunglasses), with a very healthy Chinook ("King") salmon, who was guided by DSR Guide Brian Ferman of High Hook Guide Services; Mark (grey shirt) and Scott (flourescent green shirt) with a brace of nice Kings, guided by DSR Guide Troy Creasy of High Adventure Sportsfishing; and Luke (camouflage waders) guided by John Kopy of Little John's Guide Service
we have some absolutely prime-time lodges available for booking during September and through mid-October (other dates are available for the rest of October through November):
River Lodge - 17 September (may be rebooked in 2024)
Salmon Run Lodge - 20 and 25 September (2023 only)
Meadow Lodge 28 September (2023 only)
Meadow Lodge 1 October (2023 only)
Salmon Run Lodge 3 October (2023 only)
Mud Creek Lodge 12 October (may be rebooked in 2024)
Salmon Run Lodge 12 October (may be rebooked in 2024)
Deer Run Lodge 12 October (may be rebooked in 2024)
Angler Release Schedule - -------------------------------------------------------
‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 7 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately after 7 AM at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes –
Availability : Available passes are published online at 10 AM each day - purchase via :
Redemption : at or after 1 PM at Welcome Center until 5 Nov '23 - 12 PM thereafter


61° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:42am

Sunset: 7:18pm

482 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

