34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

September 7, 2023

The day started warm and sunny, changed to overcast with rain (with a couple scary cells moving through), then changed back to warm and sunny. The overcast skies may have contributed to the good fish movement we've had for the better part of the day. There have been some slow periods (particularly later in the day at the lower end), but most of the run (particularly the mid and upper sections) has experienced very good fish movement. One angler fished the mid section and couldn't believe he had the water to himself for the better part of the day and was able to get into double digit hookups with 8 fish brought to hand. Kings have been the "fish of the day" with no reports (thus far) of any other species being spotted. At mid-dy the water temperature was a warm 73 degrees. It's been a good day on the run with many happy anglers Water flow from the dam is 350 cfs through midnight tonight and the flow at Pineville is 442 cfs


79° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:34am

Sunset: 7:30pm

442 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

