34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

September 6, 2023

Another hot day, but thankfully temperatures remained in the 80's.  Despite the heat, the fish activity still seems to maintaining its pace.  Reports continue to indicate things are a bit more productive in the early mornings, before the sun and heat take affect.  Anglers fishing the middle sections of the run in the early afternoon again saw the product of the sun instigating some movement.  Forecasts for tomorrow call for the possibility of rain in the later afternoon, with temperatures topping out at about 83 F by 2:00 PM.  The release from the dam is scheduled to remain at 350 CFS until tomorrow (9/7) at 11:59 PM. Attention Anglers : Friday - 9/8/23 begins our staggered angler release.  Please review posted check-in and release schedules ahead of your trip, by visiting -  


76° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:33am

Sunset: 7:32pm

447 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release




-‘Same Day’ Full Day Passes – (Formerly ‘Walk Up’ Passes) – BEGINNING 9/8/23
Availability : Available passes are published at 7:00 AM each day
Redemption: Immediately at Welcome Center
– Afternoon Passes – BEGINNING 9/8/23
Availability : Available passes are published at 10:00 AM each day
Redemption : 1:00 PM at Welcome Center