34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

August 26, 2023

CFS at the dam 350 to start the day, dropped to 285 as of 7 AM, projected to further drop to 185 at 7 AM tomorrow, 27 August - CFS at the Pineville gauge 488 first thing this AM, dropped to 398 over the course of the day - air temperature at 4:45 AM already up to 68 degrees, and climbed to only 72 by early evening - partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies dominated the day, with brief intervals of clearing skies and bright sunshine - light to moderate breezes throughout the day - 38 anglers joined us on the run today, with an anxious group at the gates upon opening, all the way to a trickle of afternoon-only pass holders arriving as late as 3:30 PM, and one at 4:30 PM - of the 19 guests who I was able to directly meet up with on their way out, three had brought four fish to hand between them (one was 1 / 6, another was 2 / 6, and one was 1 / 1 for a nice Brown Trout), seven others had twelve fish hooked up (to include two large Brown Trout), but were unable to bring any of those to hand because they were "too feisty"- the remaining only sighted fish moving, but that included several large Brown Trout - Brown Trout being in the river system this early, and in significant numbers, is slightly unusual, I believe - typically, it seemed that activity was at it's highest during the early morning, with a lull in the action starting mid-morning through early afternoon - we had quite a few guests who came in from other parts of the river, a few that left our run for other parts of the river, and others still who left and came back repeatedly - essentially, early-season "scouting" based on the grapevine reporting.


73° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:21am

Sunset: 7:51pm

398 CFS Pineville Gauge

285 CFS Dam Release

