34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

August 21, 2023

CFS at the dam currently 750, will rise to 1200 at 9 PM tonight - CFS at the Pineville gauge 998 - air temperatures remained steady at 71 degrees all day - water temperatures were 68 degrees this AM - hazy skies and abundant sunshine made for a pleasant day on the run - 13 guests joined us, the last one in the early afternoon - most had left by 2:30 PM - several guest reported sighting "bright" fish, with one reliable source reporting an even dozen, but none were brought to hand - tomorrow's weather and conditions will be similar to today's, excepting the CFS increase - update: at 7:15 PM the last guest on the run came off - he reported 0 / 4 for salmon - "they're in there!"


72° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:15am

Sunset: 8:00pm

998 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release

