34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

June 23, 2023

With temperatures making their way into the 80's, it was a fairly quiet week for the run.  A few season passholders joined us over the course of the week, for early morning outings.  Action earlier in the week seemed a bit better, likely from the cooler weather.  Things seemed to get tougher as the week progressed, as air and water temperatures have continued to rise.  The most recent water temperatures recorded were in the mid 60's approaching 70 F toward the end of this week.  Forecasts for this weekend call for a chance of rain, and some thunderstorms in the mix, which will hopefully cool things back down.  The dam release will be adjusted to 400 CFS tonight at 10:00 PM for the first of the scheduled summer white water releases.  For updated dam release information please visit


78° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:49pm

240 CFS Pineville Gauge

200 CFS Dam Release

