44° / Rain
Sunrise 7:06am
Sunset 4:34pm
248 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release

June 12, 2023

With a cloudy weekend overall, things managed to stayed fairly cool.  Water temperatures rose just a hair to about 60 F for most of the weekend.  A few anglers joined us each day over the weekend, most continuing to indicate pretty solid numbers of smallmouth brought to hand throughout the property, with a couple of double digit reports.  Most anglers mentioning these were smaller bass around 15".   Forecasts for the remainder of the week have a mix of rain, with lows around 55 F and highs around 70 F, until we get to the weekend.


73° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:23am

Sunset: 8:45pm

240 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release

