34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

May 22, 2023

Can't complain about this weather!   A bit of rain to start the weekend, but not enough to make any significant impact on the river levels. However, these cooler overnights and mild days have knocked the water temperatures back down a few degrees.  Air temperatures have continued to remain a low around 45 F and highs creeping into the upper 60's F for the past few days.  A handful of anglers took advantage of the low pressure and gorgeous conditions throughout the weekend, and proved to be quite successful in their quest for smallmouth.  Many of our anglers indicated double digit numbers of smallmouth landed, noting a definite increase in the quantities of bass, but seems as though the larger bass may have already moved on out.  Conditions forecasted for this week call for similar weather to that of this past weekend, with cool overnights, and the highest forecasted temperature just breaking 70 F.  The dam release continues to be scheduled at the base summer flow of 185 CFS.  Please check for updated dam release information.


67° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:33am

Sunset: 8:29pm

256 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release

