34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

May 6, 2023

NOTE: season pass renewal balance payments are due not later than close of business Wednesday 31 May - please remind your friends, who are season pass holders, as we are receiving calls regarding when is this deadline - CFS at the dam 500, CFS at the Pineville gauge started at 747 and dropped to 732 by the end of the day - air temperatures rose from 40 degrees just before dawn, to our high of 62 degrees for the day at 6:15 PM - hazy blue skies, brilliant sunshine, and very light breezes made for an idyllic day to be out and fishing on the run - 14 guests chose to spend part of their day with us, the first as early as 5:20 AM and the last one checking in at 3:45 PM - a significant number of guests took breaks from fishing, so the notes got complicated, but here is what I sorted out: our first guest came off the run at 11 AM - he reported 0 / 1 "(a) really big fish!" skating a muddler fly across the surface in the middle section - this guest stated that around 10 AM things slowed a bit - shortly after, a guest reported that he scored four Smallmouth Bass in the 3 to 4# range using pink worms, took a break, returned to the run and fished to near dusk without further success - at 12:15 PM our next guest coming off the run reported five Steelhead, and six Smallmouth Bass, casting what looked like a medium sized Mepps spinner, with a yellow-spotted black blade, while walking the entire run - a young couple, Hailie and Jimmy, came off the run at 1:15 PM, reporting 15 Smallmouth Bass, in the 3 to 5 # range, casting what looked like 1/16 ounce jigs tipped with two-inch long and slender paddletail softbaits in various colors ("the bass took any color tossed at them") - they took a short break, went back down, then came back up at 8:11 PM and reported a personal best of + 40 Smallmouth Bass (photographs featured today) using the same lures - at 1:30 PM a father and son team reported two Steelhead each, one about 10#, drifting egg sacks under a bobber in the middle to lower sections - at 3 PM, two ladies reported "casting practice" only . . . despite apparently having used productive lures in productive spots - shortly thereafter, a father and two sons reported 16 Smallmouth Bass among them, casting jigs tipped with plastic baits in the middle section only - at 4:45 PM a guest reported a 25" Steelhead, and "a couple of Smallmouth Bass", drifting pink worms under a bobber in the lower section - the overnight low will be 44 degrees, and the forecast for tomorrow is: Mostly cloudy in the morning then periods of showers later in the day. High 67F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.


57° / Clouds

Sunrise: 5:50am

Sunset: 8:11pm

732 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release

