34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

April 29, 2023

CFS at the dam 500, CFS at the Pineville gauge 652 first thing this morning, has since climbed modestly to 673 as of the time of this report - water temperature mid-morning was at 53 degrees and climbed to 57 degrees by the early afternoon - air temperatures started at 51 degrees before sunrise, dipped to 44 degrees near dawn, then slowly climbed to our high of 55 degrees by 3:30 PM, before beginning a slow drop towards sundown - just before dawn it started to sprinkle - that soon turned into a steady drizzle that lasted until about 9:30 AM, when it stopped - we were dry the rest of the day - we had some stiff SE winds pretty much all day - some guests indicated that a few spots on the run were, essentially, unfishable as they were not sheltered enough to enable casting - 13 total guests joined us on the run today, as early as 8:45 AM to as late as 4:30 PM - our first guest came off the run for the day at 12:45 PM - he had fished only a few hours in the lower section, swinging flies, and reported 3 / 3 small Steelhead and several Smallmouth Bass - three hours later, at 3:45 PM, again after only a few hours, our next guest coming off the run reported seven Smallmouth Bass, "some decent", which he was targeting while swinging flies in the lower section - at 6 PM a guest came off the run - he was targeting Smallmouth Bass, so he fished the lower section with a brown 1/8 ounce jig tipped with an imitation crawdad - he was able to bring to hand "about 20" bass, in the 2 to 3 # range, with a couple of 4# in that mix - he then came up to the middle section and threw a copper bladed spinner for just a bit, without any results - just a bit later another guest came off the run - this person was one of the first on the run this morning - he fished the lower section hard, without any success - near noon he took a short break, then went back down on the run, to the upper section this time, and scored 2 / 4 Steelhead, in the 6 to 8 # range (larger ones broke him off due to a 6 # leader), swinging a purple and black stone fly (which accounted for three of the fish) and a peach colored UV enhanced fly which accounted for the second fish brought to hand - at 6:45 PM a guest came off the run and reported five smaller Steelhead (3 to 5 #) and "a bunch of bass" - he fished top to bottom of the run, spin casting spinners - the winds down low were not any problem, and seemed stronger the further upriver he went - just a short time later a father and his young son came off the run - they had fished earlier this morning, with the son landing a Smallmouth Bass in the lower section, and this time they fished the middle section, with the son bringing to hand several more bass - a few minutes later, another two guests came of the run - they were both trying Spey casting, as novices, did get a few tugs in the lower section, but were not able to bring anything to hand - both stated they nonetheless enjoyed being on the run today - at 7 PM our last guest checked off the run - he only fished a little bit, but was able to bring a chunky Smallmouth to hand, in the lower section, swinging a stone fly - for the amount of time, he was pleased enough - tonight the low will be 48 degrees - the forecast for tomorrow is: Rain. Potential for heavy rainfall. High 59F. Winds ESE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall near an half an inch.


50° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:00am

Sunset: 8:03pm

673 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release

