40° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:19am
Sunset 6:21pm
470 CFS Pineville Gauge
350 CFS Dam Release

April 23, 2023

A note of interest: at 2:10 PM today, our area was rocked by a 3.6 magnitude earthquake, centered at the Oswego / Jefferson County line, near Adams . . . CFS at the dam 500, CFS at the Pineville gauge 747 all day - air temperature started at 48 degrees, typically dipped a bit after sunrise to 46 degrees, then gradually climbed to our high of 51 degrees at 2:15 PM before sliding down to it's current 45 degrees - a wet, foggy morning slowly cleared until at noon there were some hazy blue spots in the sky, with diffused sunshine - as the afternoon progressed, skies cleared even more, to partly cloudy and brilliant sunshine by 2:15 PM - by 4:15 PM we were again completely overcast - winds all day were relatively light and variable - we had 30 guests join us on the run today, arriving as early as 5:15 AM to as late as 3:30 PM - our first two guests off the run, at 9:45 AM, reported only a fingerling trout (or salmon?) between them - at 10:45 AM two guests reported being skunked while targeting bass in the lower section - on their heels four guests reported 0 / 2 ("probably bass") between them, but they were admittedly new to fishing the river - at 11:45 AM the reports took a bit of a turn for the better when a guest reported 0 / 3 (one Steelhead, two Smallmouth Bass) swinging an olive Wooly Bugger in the middle section - just afterwards, another guest reported 3 / 6 Steelhead drifting eggs and beads under a bobber in the middle section - at 1 PM a guest reported one Smallmouth Bass swinging, and drifting under a bobber, various colored Wooly Buggers in the middle section - near 2 PM a guest reported 0 / 2 Steelhead and 1 / 3 Smallmouth Bass swinging a black Wooly Bugger in the lower section - at 3:15 a guest reported being skunked swinging flies in the upper section - at 3:45 PM two guests, who only fished a couple of hours, reported five Smallmouth Bass between them - at 4:45 PM two guests, the high rods for today, reported 3 / 7 Steelhead, 8 / 8 Steelhead, and two Smallmouth Bass, drifting "all colors of eggs" and blue blue beads under a bobber, and swinging copper colored spinners, in the middle section - at the same time another guest reported 1 / 4 Steelhead bottom bouncing egg sacks in the upper section - he was thrilled by a take he saw while reeling the egg sack in - at 5 PM a guest reported 0 / 2 Steelhead swinging streamers in the middle section - an hour later two guests reported 1 / 3 Steelhead, and one Smallmouth Bass, from the upper section, "after throwing all types of eggs and lures at them!" - our last guest came off the water at 7:30 PM (he checked in early afternoon) and was pleased with 2 / 3 Steelhead, and two Smallmouth Bass, swinging olive colored Wooly Buggers in the lower section - the overnight low will be 39 degrees - the forecast for tomorrow is: Mostly cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy in the afternoon. Slight chance of a rain shower. High near 50F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph.


43° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:09am

Sunset: 7:56pm

747 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release

