34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

April 21, 2023

CFS at the dam 500, CFS at the Pineville gauge started at 695 and dropped over the day to 666 - water temperature started at 47 degrees and climbed to 52 degrees by the early afternoon - air temperatures were in the low to mid 50s early this morning, climbed to our high of 86 degrees at 4:15 PM, before abruptly dropping to 76 degrees within the next hour as the clouds rolled in - for the most part, our skies were hazy with indistinct clouds and bright sunshine, until clouds formed by late afternoon, becoming wholly overcast by 6 PM - winds were light and variable all day, with a cooling effect - 27 guests joined us on the run today, with guests checking in as late as 3:30 PM for a few hours of fishing - the first guest off the run reported two drop-back Steelhead, and two Smallmouth Bass, swinging flies in the lower section - at 3 PM a single guest accounted for 4 / 5 Steelhead, 21" to 29", swinging streamers in the lower section - at 4:45 PM a lady reported a decent Smallmouth Bass caught on a blue and silver Panther-Martin spinner, while her male companion reported being skunked swinging flies, both while angling in the middle to lower sections - near 5 PM, a guest in a hurry stated "got a few Steelhead" on his way to his car, carrying a fly rod - at 5:15 PM another guest reported "lots of Smallmouth Bass!" without further detail - on his heels, a father and his two young sons reported a couple of Steelhead floating pink worms under a bobber in the lower section - most of his action was this morning - at 5:30 a trio of guests came off the run, also having fished pink worms under a bobber, and swinging flies, all without success - they left with some tips for tomorrow from other anglers - at 6:30 PM a man and his wife reported 7 / 10 and 3 / 7 Steelhead respectively, swinging olive and brown stone flies in the middle and upper sections - her top fish was a nice 10 #, with the rest of theirs in the 6 # to 8 # range - shortly thereafter another guest reported two Smallmouth Bass, and an half hour later the next guest reported the same results on a brown wooly bugger in the middle section - the last guest came off the run a bit after 8 PM - he had checked in at around 3:30 PM, but in those few hours he had swung streamers in the upper and middle sections, connecting with a 29" Steelhead and several Smallmouth Bass , so he was happy - the forecast for tonight is 60% chance of showers, low of 54 degrees - the forecast for tomorrow is: Cloudy with occasional rain in the afternoon. High near 75F. Winds SSE at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.


66° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:12am

Sunset: 7:53pm

673 CFS Pineville Gauge

500 CFS Dam Release

