27° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:32am
Sunset 5:59pm
884 CFS Pineville Gauge
500 CFS Dam Release

March 30, 2023

Freezing temperatures continue to linger, with temperatures just breaking 32 F today.  Even with the blue skies, and sun out in full force, it just didn't want to warm up today.  Another half dozen anglers joined us, for what was reported as a tough day for nearly all.  A majority of these anglers fished the early morning into the afternoon, and were not able to bring a fish to hand with the lack of overcast and crystal clear, cold water.  Reports from our last angler out this evening,  made it seem like when the sun started to get behind the trees things turned on a bit, with several fish landed within a short window.  The dam release is scheduled to be increased to 1500 CFS tonight at 12:00 AM (3/31). Please be sure to check for updated release information ahead of this weekend's fishing trip!


32° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:50am

Sunset: 7:27pm

1060 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release

