34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

February 26, 2023

CFS at the dam was 1000, until 7 AM when it dropped to 750 - the CFS is scheduled to further drop to 500 at 9 PM tonight - CFS at the Pineville gauge was 1310 to start the day, since dropped to 1020 as of this report - air temperatures started at 21 degrees at our opening time, slowly climbed to our high of 37 degrees at 1 PM, and has dropped to 33 degrees - skies were mostly overcast, except for a brief period at 1 PM when there was brilliant sunshine - there were periodic flurries of short-lived, fine-grained or smaller flakes, of snow - we had 15 guests join us on the run today, beginning at 7 AM through nearly 2 PM - the first individual came off the run at 9:30 AM, reporting a 26" Steelhead brought to hand, in the upper section, using white egg sacks under a bobber - at 1:30 PM a lodge guest reported striking out in the lower and middle sections, with the intent to fish the upper section for the remainder of the day - at 2 PM a pair of young guests reported that they had worked most of the middle to upper sections of the run, floating beads, eggs, and pink worms, all under bobbers, without any success - shortly afterwards, another guest reported "did a little better today (than yesterday)" which, for this particular person, translates to "closer to five fish" - yet another guest, on his heels, reported 2 / 2 Steelhead, working the middle to lower portions of the run, floating egg sacks under a bobber - about this same time, four guests in the same party reported 3 / 5 Steelhead among them, floating blue egg sacks under a bobber in the middle section - later, they were an additional 0 / 1 to conclude their day - our high rod for the day came off the water at 4:15 PM, after a bit over a couple of hours, reporting 2 / 7 Steelhead, in the 6-7# range, drifting an orange 10mm bead under a bobber, in the middle to upper sections - the last three guests came off the run just after 6 PM, and reported 3 / 6 (one of the three being a Brown Trout) drifting beads under a bobber in the middle to lower sections - the forecast for tonight is: Snow this evening will give way to partly cloudy conditions late. Low 16F. Winds NNW at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of snow 90%. The forecast for tomorrow is: Partly cloudy skies in the morning will give way to cloudy skies during the afternoon. High around 35F. Winds ESE at 10 to 15 mph.


34° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:46am

Sunset: 5:48pm

1010 CFS Pineville Gauge

750 CFS Dam Release

