34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

December 19, 2022

Well, we definitely got our share of lake effect here this morning, after anticipating inclement weather all weekend.  Despite the 6-7 inches of snow nearly 2 dozen anglers made their way onto the run, hoping for a continuation of the good fishing we this weekend.   With snow coming down at quite a heavy rate, a majority of anglers called it quits early after battling the near impossible slush.  Reports from those who stuck it out varied.  Some anglers reporting no fish, a few anglers reporting 1's and 2's, and one angler this evening making quick work of things this afternoon (post snow) and going 6 for 6 in just a few hours.  With temperatures in the ballpark of 20 F tomorrow morning, we will likely see slush again tomorrow morning.  Flows are scheduled to increase to 750 CFS from the dam tonight ( 12/19) where they are currently scheduled to remain until 11:59 PM tomorrow (12/20)


30° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:33am

Sunset: 4:29pm

500 CFS Pineville Gauge

360 CFS Dam Release

