34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

November 13, 2022

4 PM River Patrol fishing report: the CFS at the dam remained at 335, the CFS at the Pineville gauge dropped from 777 at opening to 714 as of this report - what a difference a day made . . . initial reports of relatively decent fish activity during the morning were borne out by guests leaving the run over the course of the late morning and afternoon - the middle section continued to be most productive over the course of the day, followed by the lower section - it was difficult to judge activity in the upper section simply because it was not well populated by guests all day - with rare exception, our guests were able to tangle with at least one Steelhead - 1s and 2s appeared to be the norm for most guests, however numbers in the 3s to 5s were not uncommon, and one lucky angler had a jaw dropping level of success on Steelhead - a solitary Brown Trout was reported brought to hand, and there have been sightings of fresh salmon in the river as well - this is not too uncommon, as solitary fresh Kings enter the river until as late as December some years, and there is usually a little known mid-winter, week-long, run of only Coho Salmon - overnight low will be a frigid 29 degrees (should not be a slush problem given the warmth of the water), with the forecast for tomorrow: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High around 40F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.


38° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:55am

Sunset: 4:42pm

714 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release

