34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

October 18, 2022

To say that our anglers had a challenging day is, perhaps, an understatement. A good many of the anglers that I spoke with spent the day fishing hard with little to show for their efforts. There are still a few salmon around, but very few. Steelhead (and Browns) that had been making a limited showing of late, seemed to be playing hide and seek today. But in spite of the challenge, it was a beautiful Fall day.
The flow remains at 335 cfs from the dam nd the flow at Pineville is 430 cfs


48° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:22am

Sunset: 6:16pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release

