28° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 5:44pm
414 CFS Pineville Gauge
295 CFS Dam Release

October 11, 2022

The fishing report that I received early evening indicated that from mid-afternoon on, particularly in the upper section, action picked up considerably with steady action with Kings and some Coho. From our mid-section upriver, I would characterize the action as steady movement of fish (not great numbers; onesy-twosy) throughout . From our mid-section down, fish were still being brought to hand while the estuary was described as "very quiet."
Flow from the dam remains at 335 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 430 cfs


62° / Clear

Sunrise: 7:13am

Sunset: 6:28pm

430 CFS Pineville Gauge

335 CFS Dam Release

