34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

September 14, 2022

Nice cooler temperatures today and a mix of sun and clouds. Water temperatures are still on the high side with an early morning reading of 65 degrees getting to 69 by mid day. Very good fishing for the better part of the day and late morning into this afternoon it got much better than good. Very good movement of fish at the upper and lower end with Kings, a few browns, and more Coho than we have seen all season. Excellent fishing with persistent fish movement throughout the run. Late afternoon report from down low is that the estuary just below lower clay is "loaded." Today was by far the best day of the year and the prospects for tomorrow look excellent. Cooler temperatures at night should keep things movin


70° / Rain

Sunrise: 6:42am

Sunset: 7:17pm

453 CFS Pineville Gauge

370 CFS Dam Release

