4° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:37am
Sunset 5:55pm
1250 CFS Pineville Gauge
1000 CFS Dam Release

September 4, 2022

Definitively more salmon on the run today than we have seen so far this season. Good numbers of fish were on the move and many anglers got into multiple fish. Some did better than others in bringing them to hand, but that is to be expected. Especially with these early season fish that for some reason, even in warmer water, seem particularly difficult to bring to hand. "Hooked five but didn't land any" was a typical statement. More good news is that multiple anglers reported seeing some brown trout in the mix.
At 6:00 PM this evening the flow from the dam dropped to 350 cfs and the current flow at Pineville is 814 cfs (but it should be dropping shortly)


64° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:31am

Sunset: 7:35pm

814 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release

