34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

August 12, 2022

Typical of this time of the year, there have been isolated salmon caught upriver already - today, two guests fished the run - one fished the center section during the morning into very early afternoon, but did not either see or hook into any fish - the other guest saw a solitary salmon splashing upriver this morning, took a break during the afternoon, and came back in the early evening to try again, without any luck - CFS at the dam 185, CFS at the Pineville gauge 240 - alternating periods of overcast and (mostly) clear skies meant bright sunshine most of the day - temperatures in the high 60s and low 70s most of the day, with cooling breezes - overnight low will be 50 degrees - tomorrow will be sunny, high 76 degrees, winds 5 to 10 mph - the good news in the next week is that daytime temperatures will be in the mid 70s, overnight lows will be low 60s, and there is a 39% - 41% chance of rain Monday through Thursday - other than biological imperatives, cooling temperatures, overcast and rain, are two of the three general triggers for salmon to enter the river - now we need increased water flow as the last trigger . . .
we have made the nine month seasons passes, for those passholders who had acceptable pictures uploaded to their accounts - you may pick those up on your first visit - if you are a season pass holder (nine or 6.5 months) please check your accounts to ensure that you have a passport quality picture uploaded (head and shoulders only, full on, face illuminated, no hat, no sunglasses, plain background) as this is the picture we will use to print your pass - please, no "action photos" as we generally cannot use those


71° / Clear

Sunrise: 6:06am

Sunset: 8:13pm

240 CFS Pineville Gauge

185 CFS Dam Release

