34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

May 9, 2022

An absolutely beautiful day on the run today. The kind we wait for throughout a sometimes difficult winter. About a half of a dozen anger decided to join us today and while I didn't have the opportunity to talk with all of them, those that reported indicated an excellent day for both Steelhead and Smallmouth bass. One extremely happy Season Pass Holder had a great day going 2 for 4 with some strong and beautiful Steelhead and was able to get into some bass as well. Add the spectacular environment and you have a day to remember for a long time. Water is warming up a bit; starting at 52 degrees this morning and 59 degrees by noon.
Water from the dam remains at 185 cfs and currently at Pineville it is 273 cfs


69° / Clear

Sunrise: 5:47 am

Sunset: 8:16 pm

185 CFS Pineville Gauge

273 CFS Dam Release

