44° / Rain
Sunrise 7:06am
Sunset 4:34pm
248 CFS Pineville Gauge
195 CFS Dam Release

March 26, 2022

A dozen anglers fished the run and the reports were consistent in that it was a difficult day. High rod went to an angler that was able to bring a couple fish to hand and that was pretty much it. A couple anglers reported each getting into a 15-17 inch brown trout that seem to be making a regular appearance. Water is still off-color and that doesn't help matters either. Water temperature yesterday morning was 38 degrees and in all likelihood it was a little colder than that today.
Water from the dam remains at 500 cfs and is currently 792 cfs at Pineville (where it's been all day)


26° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:51am

Sunset: 7:26pm

1340 CFS Pineville Gauge

1000 CFS Dam Release

