4° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:37am
Sunset 5:55pm
1250 CFS Pineville Gauge
1000 CFS Dam Release

March 9, 2022


A rather mild day today.  Just over freezing with a bit of snow flurries (great overcast). But, amazingly so, a quiet day for the run. Those few that took advantage of a fair day, found a peaceful retreat down here with a considerable number of anglers upstream today. The release from the day remains 1200 CFS, and still a bit of run off, things are a bit chalky DOWN HERE. With high water it certainly makes it a bit tricky when it comes to getting a good presentation. The Pineville gauge reading 1450 CFS at the time of this report, with a recorded water temperature of 32F today.  Our ten day forecasted temperatures with highs, all above freezing. We might just be over the hump here with winter. But I wouldn't hold my breath. And I know, probably shouldn't have said that.  Not much snow on the ground DOWN HERE, but I'd presume there's still a fair amount of snowpack ready to feed the reservoir. Temperatures DOWN HERE and up there don't necessarily jive though. It's still an ice bath, but a few drop backs have been reported in various parts of the river, including down here over the past two weeks. Can't wait to see what April's infamous drop back season has in store for us, as the temperatures continue to warm the water up a bit.


34° / Clouds

Sunrise: 6:27am

Sunset: 6:02pm

1440 CFS Pineville Gauge

1200 CFS Dam Release

