34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

January 18, 2022

9:00 am Opening Time

5:45 pm Closing Time

With a break in the weather, today wasn't terribly cold, with minimal wind.  Just a couple of anglers blazed the trails today, both having rather short outings indicating a considerable amount of slush in addition to rather unstable shelf ice.  A few takes on the first few couple of casts, but today just wasn't in favor of the anglers, conditions on the river proved to be quite difficult to overcome.

We know you've all been anticipating the purchase of your 2022 Fishing Passes...
DSR's planned Fishing Pass release hit a snag. Due to the high demand, and traffic on our website, we have to untangle a few things.
To remain fair to all guests, DSR plans to correct issues before rescheduling the pass release in order for all guests to have an equal opportunity to purchase passes.
Please stay tuned to DSR's Facebook, Website, and your email for our raincheck date.


18° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:33am

Sunset: 4:56pm

535 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release




We know you’ve all been anticipating the purchase of your 2022 Fishing Passes…
DSR’s planned Fishing Pass release hit a snag. Due to the high demand, and traffic on our website, we have to untangle a few things.
To remain fair to all guests, DSR plans to correct issues before rescheduling the pass release in order for all guests to have an equal opportunity to purchase passes.
Please stay tuned to DSR’s Facebook, Website, and your email for our raincheck date.