34° / Clouds
Sunrise 6:52am
Sunset 7:26pm
1940 CFS Pineville Gauge
1700 CFS Dam Release

January 14, 2022

6:45 pm Opening Time

6:00 pm Closing Time

Despite the dropping temperatures, conditions started out pretty good.  One angler joining us right off the bat, to get his fishing in early this morning.  He was to bring a beautiful colored up buck this morning. His words "They are ALL good! But some are definitely better than others”. By the end of his outing, temperatures had steadily dropped, with the wind picking up quite a bit.  A few other season pass holders came in early this afternoon just at the beginning of the high winds, battling through it for a couple of hours.  They were each able to hook and bring a couple of fish to hand.  On their retreat back to the Welcome Center, one of the anglers wasn’t ready to call it a day, hitting another fish on his way back and continued to stick it out for quite a while. With temperatures continuing to drop, and anticipated to plummet below zero, DSR will be open for abbreviated hours on Saturday 1/15/22 and Sunday 1/16/22; Opening at 9:00 AM / Closing at 3:00 PM.  


16° / Clouds

Sunrise: 7:35am

Sunset: 4:51pm

529 CFS Pineville Gauge

350 CFS Dam Release




DSR’s 2022 Fishing Pass release will be, Monday, January 17th at 6:00 PM (EST). At this time, guests will be granted full access to our new platform to reserve Fishing Passes, Premium Access, and Lodging -all online! Please note that our Product Pages are not yet published and active for guests to interact with until January 17th.
With just a few snags, and things to untangle, we’ve got our hands full preparing for our Fishing Pass release on Monday so everyone can land the fishing passes they’ve been wading for. Emails have been sent to guests of various categories (Season Pass Holder, Waiting List Guests, Lodge Guest) for pertinent information to prepare them for the Daily Fishing Pass release.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we prepare for the full launch of our new website. DSR will be sure to make further announcements should we encounter any unexpected delays that would push back the fishing pass release date.