36° / Clouds
Sunrise 7:05am
Sunset 5:32pm
408 CFS Pineville Gauge
295 CFS Dam Release

Christian Grabowski

About Christian Grabowski

Hunting and fishing has always been in my blood and now it's my time to give back to others. I specialize in fly fishing, spin fishing, centerpin fishing, and plug fishing here on the salmon river. Before guiding I served in the United States Army, and retired in 2012. I started guiding shortly after my retirement, and have never looked back. I cater to every age that wants to learn to fish, or even the most experienced of fisherman.

Salmon, Steelhead, Trout

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Christian Grabowski
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Fishing guides are independent contractors. Your request does not guarantee a booking; your requested fishing guide will receive your request and reach out to arrange pricing and confirm details before finalizing your booking & arranging payment details with you separately from DSR.